Yet another memorable bit from 2011.
Mel invited Shaun and I to the Paiza countdown party at MBS. I was very excited when i heard about it after i got back from work, esp hun, because he's so looking forward to watch the fireworks.
And so halfway thru the new year eve party at my place with my family and relatives, hun drove us down to MBS to join Mel and Raymond at MBS.

some of these dishes, which i just got to learn of, that it's called tapas, was pretty good.Esp the curry chicken!

the very bright people
they have this photo taking booth which takes instant pic and i think it's a really nice memento from the event!
had intended to hit the club after that.but because everywhere was so crowded and since we were hungry, we decided to have supper at geylang. Went to eminent frog porridge- the very first frog porridge that hun and i had together :)
This place always makes hungry stomachs and people happy !
A simple and happy start to 2012 :))